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Opal is a hydrated silica material that is composed of submicroscopic silica spheres that are bound together with water and other silica. The name Opal is derived from the Latin opalus and the Sanskrit upala meaning 'precious stone' precious Opals were mined in Europe at least as  long ago as the fourteenth century. Mexican fire opal was used by the Aztecs and taken to Europe by the conquistadors. In Roman civilization the Opal was linked with good luck and hope. The belief in France was that the Opal could render its wearer invisible, while in Australia legend reports that a gigantic Opal governs the stars, human love and the gold within the mines.

Opal enhances cosmic consciousness and induces metaphysical and mystical visions. It can pick up thoughts and feelings, amplifies them, and returns them from whence they came. A karmic stone, teaching what you put out comes back. Opals are seductive stones and have always been associated with love and passion, desire and eroticism.

Current metaphysical thinking views the various types of Opal as having different energetic properties, so we will discuss each one of those separately.

Common Opal

Common opal may be any of several different colors, but is generally opaque and does not show any of the 'fire' exhibited by precious opal. Common Opal in all of its colors is a stone of gentle energies. It is well suited for the emotional body and for sensitive people who are easily overburdened by stress and need a stone that will help them relax. It is emotionally supportive and nurturing, with out the intense emotional energies of some other Opals. It is grounding for the emotional body and is an excellent stone to alleviate worry, chronic stress and depression. 

Common Opal comes in many different colors, with each color slightly varying the focus and emphasis of this calming and soothing effect than the other.

White Opal  clears and purifies ones energy field and aids in grounding Light in the aura. It's energy feels nurturing and enlightening as it gently points out emotional issues that need clearing. White Opal helps to clarify, calm and focus the mind so that more subtle spiritual signals can be received and processed. A general enhancer of psychic knowledge, soothing the body and promoting a positive outlook. White opal is a wonderful stone for those recovering from all types of abuse .

Pink Opal  is a lovely stone for healing the emotions, especially those connected with subconscious held pain. It can help those who have excessive fear, worry or anxiousness. Pink Opal is very useful in dissipating stress allowing you to become more emotionally centered and calm. It can clear and calm the heart and bring a sense of peace and tranquility to one's aura. It can be used to keep one's connection to the angelic realms open and clear.

Blue Opal  promotes a calm and centered mind. It can facilitate contemplating prayer and meditation by allowing one to be a witness of, rather than a participant in the minds activities. Blue Opal can enhance the recollection of one's dreams and can even bring about more pleasant dream experiences. It can assist you in sharing your feelings and communicating about emotional issues. Blue Opal assists in finding calm understanding of difficult life experiences from the past and can help to joyfully embrace the future.

Brown and Black and multi-colored Opals that display several if not many colors encompass many of the Chakras, because of this occurrence these stones have a high vibration and are most useful in meditation and healing.  They lead strength to the physical body and strengthen and protect the emotional body, These stones act much like other high energy and grounding stones they are magical. They are useful in reinforcing the emotional body and the aura, preventing psychic  attack and helping rid one of entity attachment. They are highly protective against negative energetic influences and can used to help one feel stronger and more in control when faced with negativity, confrontation or bullying from others. These mystical stones can assist in communication with nature beings in shamanic journeys and in maintaining protection during astral travel.

White Precious Opal    This stone encompasses all the chakras, is the best known Opal and the one most widely used in jewelry. Its milky background color sets off a display of truly beautiful multicolored fire. But, not all Opals display this fire, the Opal needs to have its minute silica spheres packed in in a formation regular enough to cause light refraction. This stone is an emotional amplifier, meaning it can intensify both the positive and negative states. In each case there is a benefit. With positive emotions the rewards are obvious. But with any negative emotions one will be fully aware of the  destruction that each indulgence can bring about=and this will help one to agree to release them. White Precious opal can be a warm friendly teacher, or a severe one. It all depends on what we bring with us to the experience.

Fire Opals  Are named after their vivid orange or red colors . Fire Opals carry a frequency of ecstasy and are an awakener of passion, ones passion can be channeled in many directions, from the bodily desires to the spiritual subline. In matters of sexuality, where the Opals connection is to the emotional body, the Opals energies will help in blending more love into the experience. In situations where there is fear, shyness or shame that is holding one back, Fire opal will ease ones inhibitions and allow for greater enjoyment  and less  self consciousness. As to the spiritual domain, Fire Opal can enhance a passionate pursuit of enlightenment. It stimulates the creative self and promotes artistic creativity, manifestation from the etheric, sexual  enjoyment, fertility and physical energy. If one uses or wears Fire Opal during meditation or prayer, one might find that the emotional intensity of the experience has been enhanced considerably. This stone can bring an aura of curiosity and an energy of playfulness into ones life.






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