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 Mystic Crystals

Mystic Crystal
Mystic Crystal
Mystic Crystal

 It is believed that the color of the mystic crystal is a result of the impurities of the minerals in the crystal such as titanium, manganese and iron. But the minerals in the  crystal are definitely what give the stone it's color and appearance. Mystic Crystals are the color of Lavender Quartz and have much of the properties of Rose Quartz and Elestial Quartz and tests have shown the presence of calcite giving the stone even more metaphysical and spiritual  value.

Mystic Crystals have increased vibrations over these other Quartz crystals and take the wearer to an even higher chakra and spiritual connection, bringing about profound emotional healing and heightened awareness

Mystic crystals  like Rose Quartz are often called  “Love Stones.” Their energetic hallmark is that of unconditional love that opens the heart chakra. This makes the Mystic Crystal a stone for every type of love: self-love, family, platonic, romantic, and unconditional. As a variety of quartz, Mystic Crystals have high energy, and this strong energy can enhance love in  virtually any situation.

WE have given this crystal the name "mystic" because it seems no one else has it and there is no other like it. And, only our prospector knows where to find it.  Mystic Crystals, like Rose Quartz go by the name Love Stones because they send off strong vibrations of love, happiness, warmth, and emotional health. They possesses energy related to the heart chakra. 

This is the stone that you should have in your possession if you want love energy to help you and all those who are closest to you. They not called the Love Stones for nothing!

For instance, Mystic Crystals can help you find true love. Not only can it open up your chakras to see the best in people or recognize the signs that you must stay away from, it can also give you the gift of genuine self-love.

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