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Obsidian is born quickly out of molten lava from a volcano. it is an amorphous stone, meaning that it's structure contains no regular geometric pattern or crystalline structure. The name is derived from the name of the prominent ancient Roman, Obsius. Obsidian has been used since prehistoric times. The Aztecs fashioned flat sheets of Obsidian into scrying mirrors. Many ancient people created arrowheads, axes and other items with magical powers. It has all the most potent energies and all the elements of fire water and earth. Obsidian has no boundaries or limitations, working extremely fast with great power. A strongly protective stone along with a shield against negativity. as a chakra value Obsidian provides a grounding cord from the base chakra to the center of the earth. It absorbs negative energies from the environment  and blocks psychic attack and negative spiritual influences.  Obsidian brings clarity to the mind and clears confusion and constricting beliefs.

Each color of Obsidian has it's own attributes. Colors of black or brown are most frequent but there are many colors including red, blue, grey, green and even rainbow. In addition, various sheens, color variations, markings and undertones of color make for an array of different types of Obsidian to be used for metaphysical purpose and in our jewelry.


Below are some of these variations

Black Obsidian

Is a pure glossy black color. Some times being called the Royal Agate. In addition to carrying the generic properties of Obsidian, black Obsidian powerfully eliminates negative energies in oneself and one's environment. It is like a powerful cleaner, cleansing the auric field of disharmony, negative attachments just plane junk and one's own emanations of anger, greed, fear, resentment, etc.  Black Obsidian helps uncover unconscious thoughts and patterns that inhibit one's spiritual and personal growth. these patterns can contribute to addiction, abusive  behavior (towards one's self or others), negativity and other undesirable traits. If you value integrity, this stone is for you. Black Obsidian can help you deal with things , situations and people in your life with strength and courage. It is a stone of truth, beneficial in having more truth in your life. It can help in revealing secrets and answer questions about life and love helping you with stress and tension by replacing it with calm and relaxation. If you feel like your stuck and nothing is happening in your life with your dreams or plans, then this is the perfect stone to have. It will give you desire and drive to make  changes so that you can move forward in life.

Mahogany Obsidian

 In addition to carrying the generic properties of Obsidian. Mahogany Obsidian is a mixture of colors usually jet black and reddish brown-in undulating or spotty patterns.  It's appearance is similar to the wood mahogany. The red  is probably due to the inclusion of iron.  Mahogany Obsidian is ideal for dispelling feelings of unworthiness that holds one back from fulfilling their potential at work, love and spiritual awakening. Mahogany Obsidian can help to cleanse the second chakra of negative energies and residue from old wounds. Such fixations can block the flow of your creative energies or create problems in the full expression of your sexuality. It helps reveal limitation s that one has created due to fear and perceived separation. Mahogany Obsidian  resonates from the earth, grounds and protects, gives strength in times of need, vitalizes purpose and stimulates multidimension growth, strengthening a weak aura, it restores the correct spin to the chakras. This is an excellent stone for reclaiming your power.



Rainbow Obsidian

In addition to carrying the generic properties of Obsidian. Rainbow obsidian is one of the gentler obsidians, nevertheless it has strong protective properties and teaches you about the evolution of your spiritual nature. Rainbow Obsidian is black Obsidian that when polished and exposed to a light source reveals bands of red, blue, gold and or green shades which seem to correspond to layers of lava that cooled at different rates of time.  Rainbow Obsidian cuts the cords of old love and gently releases the hooks that others have left in the heart, replenishing the heart energy. This stone can be used to clear the emotional body of lingering patterns of emotional trauma. Rainbow Obsidian brings hope, illumination and energy into the most blocked and stagnant areas of the emotional body.  This helps one feel more optimistic and willing to engage in life. It is an excellent stone for alleviating depression and mood swings. Wear this stone as a pendant to absorb negative energy from the aura and to draw off stress from the body. this will help facilitate past-life  healing and gain insight into how the past is affecting the present, especially at the level of health and well being.

 Silver Sheen Obsidian

In addition to carrying  the generic properties of Obsidian. Silver Sheen Obsidian brings advantages throughout life and imparts patience and perseverance.  It helps you  to look at your true self, taking you deep into the subconscious mind exposing your negative energies so that they can be fully released.  Silver Sheen Obsidian is a mirror of inner being, enhances meditation and is perfect for scrying. With meditation this stone can take you into the past, present or the future  and deep into the core of a problem. By helping to release ego involvement it imparts knowledge of spiritual direction. 



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