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  Jasper is an opaque fine-grained dense variety of cryptocrystalline quartz. It's name comes from the Greek iaspis.  Jasper is a chalcedony incorporating  various amounts of other materials that give it both its color and opacity.  Brick- red to brownish-red jasper contains hematite; clay gives it a yellowish-white or grey, and goethite produces brown or yellow. Jasper  is usually formed from silica rich waters moving or percolating through cracks or fissures in other rocks. Jasper is a very old stone that has been used  for jewelry, ornamentation and mystical use since paleolithic times. 

Jasper is known as the "Supreme Nurturer" and prized for metaphysical uses, This stone helps one to come to grips  with problems assertively, and encourages honesty with oneself. It supports and sustains during times of stress  and during times of necessary conflict, unifying all aspects of life.  Jasper can aid in quick  thinking and will promote organizational abilities  helping in seeing projects get done. Also stimulating imagination and transforming ideas into action.

There are many  Jaspers With additional properties, below are a few of Mystics stones.

Red and Brecciated Jasper

In addition to carrying the generic properties of Jasper (above), Red and Brecciated Jasper provide gentle stimulation, grounding energy and rectifying unjust situations, helping to provide stability in life. Red Jasper  may perform it's work slowly, but has the advantage over other stones in that the gains one makes are more permanent. The frequency of Red Jasper can help to activate creative or sexual energy's. It has been used in metaphysical healing to counter issues of impotency or lack of sexual interest, releasing shame or guilt around sexual issues. Red and Brecciated Jasper stones make excellent worry stones. They aid in the memory of Dreams and contribute to the manifesting of creative ideas.


Brown Jasper

In addition to carrying the properties of Jasper, Brown jasper is a powerful cleanser for the physical body, cleansing and repairing the aura and helping with the effects of trauma, drugs or psychic attack. It is particularly effective in alleviating geopathic and environmental stress. Brown jasper facilitates deep meditation, centering, and grounding, bringing about results that you desire. Brown Jasper is particularly useful for people who live in their heads to the detriment of their body.

Unakite Jasper

In addition to having the generic properties of Jasper, Unakite Jasper embodies Jasper's quality of slow moving beneficial influence. It can raise the level of vibration of the physical and emotional bodies, helping you to recognize repressed emotions and help in the release of those emotions. Internalization of anger or resentment creates standing patterns of negative energy in the tissues. Unakite Jasper helps to prevent or release these patterns. It facilitates the gradual elimination of bad habits especially those of over eating and over consumption of alcohol. Unakite Jasper teaches patience and persistence and reminds one that anything worth having is worth waiting for.


Poppy Jasper

In addition to having the generic properties of Jasper Poppy Jaspers grounding effect on the mind and body helps to calm excessive worry or fear, balancing yin and yang especially when it is caused by an unfocused mind. Being a stone of many colors it supports all the Chakras and can be used in meditation to merge with the consciousness of the earth. It can help one to connect to the sacred web of life that exists here on mother earth.


Other Jaspers

Fancy Jasper

Picture Jasper

Mook Jasper

Rain Forest Jasper

Leopard skin Jasper

Cinnabar Jasper

Bumblebee Jasper


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